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Looking back at your child's maths this year and preparing for next year

July 04, 20233 min read

“Fall seven times, stand up eight” - Japanese proverb

As the summer holidays approach, students will be counting down the days until the long summer break – a chance to have a break from school-work and forget about school for 6 weeks.  I’m sure, when I was at school, the last week of summer term (at least!) was mainly filled with games, activities, sports day and watching videos (yes, videos :D).

For older students, they may be getting the results of their end of year exams or Year 10 or 12 mocks – and for the Year 11s and 13s, a much-needed rest from the intensity of the past couple of months. 

It may be an appropriate time to look back on the year and how they have performed in their maths tests and exams – and see where they are now and where they want to be this time next year.  A year is a long time and in theory big improvements can be made in 12 months, however (particularly for Year 11s and 13s) it will go by in a flash.

For the last 4 or so years, at the end of December, I have done a ‘Year in Review’ – not something I ever thought was a ‘me’ thing at all, however, it is a brilliant and fun exercise! Looking back at the year, seeing what I have achieved, what could have been better, and really just an opportunity to remember what I have done and where I have been.

So I thought I’d suggest it to you – for your son or daughter who may be heading towards a big exam year next year, and who may need a little focus on where they are now and where they want to be.

Here’s an example you can use…

Since September 2022,

  • What did you get up to each month?

  • What did you enjoy most about each school holiday?

  • What was the best thing you watched on TV?

  • Who did you like hanging out with the most and why?

  • What was your favourite lesson at school?

  • What do you like most about school and why?

  • How did you get on in your tests at school? (All subjects – not just maths!)

  • Are there any subjects you think you could have worked harder at?

  • Are there any subject (or topics within a subject) that you know you still need help with?

  • Is there anything you would do differently if you could do the year again?

  • What are your top 3 things you’d like to change / achieve / do differently next year?

  • What are you looking forward to most next year?

  • How are you going to make these happen?

Take 30 minutes – the whole family could do it! – and see what comes out of it 😊

I’ve even made a printable version for you here.

And remember, even if there’s only one year between now and your child’s final exams, they have a whole (almost) 12 months to transform into the student they want to be – they’ve just got to realise it, want to become that person and then make a plan to succeed!

Hope this helps – if we can help in any way – get in touch by emailing

Speak to you soon!

Hannah @ Mathematical Minds Tuition

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